If you’re an avid camper, beach camping is the ultimate summer getaway for you. After all, who doesn’t love the idea of beachside bonfires, sunsets and lazying around to the sound of crashing waves? Now, in order to make your camping getaway a happening one, you need to prepare for it the right way. Check out our packing checklist, camping tips and lots more!

beach side camping

Choosing a Beach Campsite:

There are many beach campsites ideal for families or weekend getaway as you get all the convenient facilities alongside. On the contrary, if you prefer a remote destination, be sure to do some research before you head out as some areas might require a permit. Another point to keep in mind is to be sure you’re in a safe area that won’t be affected during high tide.

beach side camping tips

Hydrate Well:

Whether you’re lounging in the sun or splashing around in the sea, don’t forget to drink plenty of water! It’s very important to stay hydrated especially when you’re under the sun for long hours.

camping beach tips

Getting Rid of Sand Might be a Task:

It goes without saying that when you’re camping at the beach, you’ll have sand all over. Here are some ways to keep sand from getting everywhere:

  • Place a small rug outside your tent door and keep your shoes outside
  • Carry a brush and dustpan to remove sand every time it gets inside your tent
  • Keep a small tub of water by the door to wash your feet before entering the tent

tent camping beach tips

Don’t Forget Camping Etiquettes:

Keep these important beach camping etiquette tips in mind:

  • Don’t leave any garbage behind
  • Avoid camping in sand dunes since they’re habitats to a variety of wildlife
  • Consider using biodegradable soap and sunscreen

The location you choose for your campsite can make or break your experience. Look for a spot with soft, flat sand in a shaded area that’s away from the dunes. And, most importantly, keep in mind to stay above the high tide mark.

camping beachside tips

We hope these outside camping tips help you to set up your campsite on the beach in a much better way.

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